Friday, December 5, 2008


..billed to our insurance to date, just for my lungs. Thank goodness for insurance. This includes a three day stay when my problem was first dianosed this past July (7/22/08), two CT scans w/contrast, chest x-ray, blood tests, pulmonary function test, excersise test, sleep study, bronchoscopy/bronchoalveolar lavage, lung biopsy (including Stanford Med. Center checking them out), doctor visits, home oxygen.. and whatever else.
And still, no definate diagnosis yet. I think daughter #3 is right, I need Dr. House; one hour and I would have a diagnosis, lol. Yes, my 6 3/4yo daught likes Dr. House. No, she doesn't want to be a doctor or nurse, but the joke is she should be a Dr. because of her writing.
Yesterday I had a surprise test. Northern Nevada Medical Center called and had me come in for what I thought was another CT scan. When I got there, no CT scan, but a VQ scan. What the heck, might as well have all the tests done, lol. (No this isn't included in the above price). I don't know the results of this test yet.
Until next time take care, I here there are several *bugs* going away ::spraying disinfectant::

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